Monday, July 14, 2008

Previous Work

cd packaging tray: cover, disc, inside, back

magazine cover:dimensions 8.5x11


............................ said...

logo needs work doll.

it's clunky.

not your delicate style at all.

come around.

we miss you.



Angelita Tenorio said...

hi jane, your designs are beautiful!

anyway with regards of my children disorders blog, yeah, i know that the chance that it will attract atention is slim because this kind of blog is not "interesting" enough to a lot of people, but i am hoping that it could help parents out there who are going through the situation of having a child with LPDs and SLDs. You know my son who had LPD has graduated kindergarten and is the number 1 in their class. There are a lot more things that I want to share. it's just that I don't have the time yet to update my LPD blog. But hopefully, when I do. you'll come back and read. If in any case you need to talk to someone, you could email me at I would be more than happy to listen... and maybe I could share some tips on how to help your child... thanks a lot!